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Friday, July 24, 2015

Chris Brown Beg Obama to help him leave Philippines

Pleeeeeeeease let us leave!" chris beg
The loyal hit maker  Chris Brown 26  has taken to Instagram to beg Obama and anyone else who will listen to help get him out of the Philippines.
Since performing a scheduled tour date in Manila on Tuesday, Philippine officials have not let Brown or his entourage leave the country, according to the Associated Press. Evidently, Brown backed out of a planned New Year's Eve concert in the island nation after being paid $1 million up front. Now they're holding him there while the group who organized the concert, Iglesia ni Cristo, files a criminal complaint with the government for fraud.

Brown has posted a couple of videos to Instagram to raise awareness of his plight, at least one of which has been deleted.
In the most recent video, posted on Thursday, he kneels on the floor with his hands clasped in prayer and yells, "Pleeeeeease let us leave!" over and over again before doing a backflip. The video was  captioned obama
 He has already had to cancel one tour date because of the holdup. His Hong Kong performance, scheduled for Wednesday night, was moved to Thursday; after it became clear he wouldn't make that one either, it was postponed to an as-yet-unknown date.
He also canceled an upcoming date in Jakarta, Indonesia; though his representatives say that was due to the unrest in the country and not because he's stuck in the Philippines. Brown tweeted about that Tuesday night, saying, "#TeamBreezyJakarta due to safety concerns my show on July 25th will be rescheduled! Let's keep spreading love around the world! #Pray4Peace"

Chris BrownVerified account@chrisbrown

#TeamBreezyJakarta due to safety concerns my show on July 25th will be rescheduled! Let's keep spreading love around the world! #Pray4Peace
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