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Friday, July 31, 2015

Joe Jackson: Micheal Jackson Dad at the verge of death

After suffering an unfortunate series of heart attacks followed by a monolithic stroke while celebrating his 87th birthday in Sao Paolo, family members fear Joe Jackson could be at the verge of death.

The patriarch of one of America’s most royal families, is currently in an intensive care unit at a hospital in Brazil. A childhood friend of Joe's wife, Katherine Jackson, 85, tells RadarOnline exclusively that the family believes he may not come out alive despite multiple reports suggesting that Jackson, 87, is recovering from his traumatic injuries. ''The reports that say he is doing fine and he is getting better are sadly exaggerated,'' says the source.
Another longtime friend of the family, Sham Ibrahim - who was commissioned by late King of Pop Michael Jackson to do portraits and has since painted almost every one of the Jackson clan – says:

''The family is rushing to be by his side right now. The entire family is devastated. Joe Jackson and Katherine, especially Joe, is the glue that holds the family together and he has been for years. Joe is the foundation that has held the family together for decades. The kids are not ready to deal with another heart break and I know that Katherine is not ready to handle it. Joe has been her loving partner for her entire life.'' ''The one thing that I know for certain is that all of Joe’s children – Michael, LaToya, Janet… all of them – made peace with their dad. They realized that their father was just a human being doing the best that they can. All of Joe’s children have nothing but love for their father and I think that is so important if he passes,'' Ibrahim adds

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