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Tuesday, July 28, 2015


What is Reincarnation? it is a religious or philosophical concept that the soul or spirit after biological death can begin a new life, the soul are continuously reborn in different bodies at different time and places it is a natural and important part of development of a soul.
It is also the process of struggling against some negative force such as the desire or karma toward a higher state of being. it applies to all human being, if not all living creature. The soul is release from body by death and exists in a pure spiritual state before returning to a new body.
Believe about Reincarnation: over 60 percent of the world population believe in some form of reincarnation, it is a common belief of various ancient and modern religion such as SPIRITISM THEOSOPHY ECKANKAR it is found in many tribal society around the world in places such as Siberia, West Africa, North America, Australia and so on. Majority of Abrahamic religion don’t believe that individual reincarnate yet Hindu gods are said to have reincarnated see AVATAR. ( LORD VISHINI) is known for his tenth incarnation, Religion seems to have hard reincarnating gods Christian regard JESUS as a divine incarnation Muslims and Christian believe he and some prophet may incarnate again believing the second coming of LORD JESUS Christ at the end time. Although this is not reincarnation don’t be confuse other believe in cyclic existence where a being is born, lives, dies and then reborn. Religions do have their own way of describing reincarnation same goes to every individual.  
Evidence on reincarnation the evidence we have come from the testimony of people who claim to recall some things vividly E.G people, things, places and event from what they believe could be their past life. 99 percent of a reincarnated soul  had died a violent death although it is very difficult to study the evidence of reincarnation as a living being could not out see what is happening in the realm the most compelling stories come from the recollection of small children between the age of 2, 4 to 6yrs old as they grew older the memories began to fade away to enable them live a normal childhood life, there are people who have mark the same place where their dead relatives had and the phenomenon of old soul that is people(children)who conduct themselves with an aura of wisdom.
 At age six TARANJIT SINGH was living India and he has been claiming since the age of two that is name was SATNAM SINGH and he had recalled he was a student of class 9 about 15 or 16 years old his father name was JEET SINGH a man on a scooter had collided with SATNAM who was on a bike and killed him on September 10 1992 the book he was carrying were soaked in his blood  and he had 30 rupee the story was so old but his father decide to investigate and was told by a teacher that a boy really had died in an accident and this boy father  was named JEET SINGH,RANJIT then reach out to the family who confirm the blood soaked book and rupee details when TARANJIT and members of SATNAM family met face to face TARANJIT was able to correctly identify SATNAM in photo

Love issue on Reincarnation love at first sight  lover who have been together in previous lives are said to be harmonious and share an unspoken understanding their personalities tend to complement and complete one another they are not immune to the normal problem of relationship. Past relationship could have been strong and trouble and that being   reacquainted with a past lover is no guarantee of perfect happiness in a relationship, marriage (affection).   
Confusing fact on reincarnation: although there are lot of confusing fact amo

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