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Monday, July 27, 2015

The truth about the human like fallen Angel from the sky in London

The extremely human like creature with what seems to be “angel” wings as arms appears to have fallen from the sky at around 1:50pm this afternoon.”…This message was sent by many websites, but the truth is

Art lovers were shocked by a ‘fallen angel’ installation that was unveiled in Beijing this week.

The extremely realistic work was created by Chinese artists, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu.

The pair are known for blurring the lines between art and reality by using materials such as human body fat in their work.

Their latest piece, entitled ‘Angel’, has just been installed in China’s capital, reported People’s Daily Online
Passersby stare at latest installation which shows the tension between surrealism and realism

The artists say that their latest installation is designed to illustrate the tension and changes between surrealism and realism

In a statement on their website, they explained: ‘The angel, a transcendent being, has become powerless, unable to carry out God’s will, or to help those who believe in its existence.’

One of the duo’s previous works, titled ‘Old Persons Home‘, also focused on the older generation

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