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Thursday, August 06, 2015

Pathetic story of a breast cancer nursing mother

"This is the definition of strength, love, and pure raw beauty. Mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer halfway through pregnancy with her surprise gender baby. She had one breast removed and underwent chemo while carrying her miracle baby
She was induced at 36 weeks in order to receive more treatment. Baby BOY was born ready to prove to the world his strength he inherited from his strong mommy. He latched on to her remaining breast all on his own and the room erupted in so many emotions. Breastfeeding is such a sacred bond, and this one just makes my heart break and swell at the same time. I am beyond blessed to have met and gotten to know this woman and her family, and so honored she asked me to be there to document these precious moments. Please share, and continue to pray for this family as they go into their next journey together!"

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