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Monday, August 24, 2015

Words from a Happily Married Couple, You Might Find This Interesting

In celebration of his first wedding anniversary  Mr Omoniyi Oni Shared this lovely message on fb I had always thought that a home has to be in a location with awesome aesthetics but
I was wrong. Since I got married to you I realized that a home is a being (a person).
Without you our home is just another place. You make it the home I come to and live in daily, you are my Home.
To think that it’s already a year we got married is …
Sincerely its feels like a month … it’s all like a dream. Now I have a little idea about why 1000 years is like a day before our God.
I have learnt more from you in a year than all I have learnt before I met you, with you the saying “behind ever great man is a greater woman” proves true.
I love you more each day babe.

Always looking out for me, ever Prayed Up, ever Word Up, woman of women, virtuous, strong and consistent.
God bless you my Mayowa Omoniyi-Oni
Happy Wedding Anniversary to us. 80 more years to go. Happy married life from 
me, wishing you both more happy  years together

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