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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kim Kardashian Went To Plastic Surgeon: Dangerously Getting Work Done While Pregnant?

Kim Kardashian Plastic Surgery
Kim Kardashian getting plastic surgery done while pregnant?! The reality star was photographed meeting with ‘Botched’ doctor Paul Nassif on Sept. 22 and the whole thing was filmed by a camera crew. What’s going on here?

Kim Kardashian, 34, spent months trying to get pregnant with her second baby…so we can’t imagine she’d do anything to jeopardize things now that she’s finally with child. But we can’t help but wonder what she was doing visiting a plastic surgeon’s office while six months along on Sept. 22 — getting any work done certainly can’t be safe for the baby!kim-kardashian-bump-black-lace-up-spl

Okay, lets not get ahead of ourselves too quickly here. First of all, the 34-year-old was joined at the meeting by sister Khloe Kardashian and mom, Kris Jenner, so it’s possible she was there for someone else. We should also note that the doctor is Paul S. Nassif, a fellow E! star from the show Botched, and cameras were filming the whole thing, so whatever was going down could’ve just been a catch-up b During the session, the group appears to be watching and listening to a presentation intently at one point. Hmm…maybe they were just getting the latest on a new procedure? Or maybe Kim — whose book you can buy here — wants to get something done after the baby arrives in December. There are many possibilities here, so we are pretty hopeful that the reality star isn’t putting her fetus in harm!
Do you think Kim would get work done while pregnant?
Before the meeting with the doctor, the ladies, along with Kris’ man, Corey Gamble, Kim’s daughter North West and Kourtney Kardashian’s kids, Mason and Penelope Disick, attended a birthday dinner for Kris’ mom, MJ. The group shared sweet snaps from their evening on Instagram, but our favorite of all is OF COURSE the one with all the kids in the backseat — soooooo cute! Kourtney was noticeably absent from the adventure, and has been vacationing with her friends in Montana all week long. Hey, we don’t blame her for needing a break after all the emotions that came from her split with Scott Disick!
 do you think Kim would get plastic surgery while pregnant

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