Mini Yeezy on board! North West may just be
2 years old, but she’s already a fashionista like her parents Kanye West, 38, and Kim
Kardashian, 34 — and we know who she’s taking inspiration from! While out
with Kim in New York City on Sept. 7, Nori was dressed just like Kanye with a
chunky gold chain around her neck, and the resemblance is striking!
It’s official: North is the spitting image of Kanye. Taking
Manhattan by storm, Nori wore rolled up black pants, Doc Martens and a baggy
gray top, which she accessorized with a large gold chain around her neck. Kanye
has also worn the gray shirt and gold chain look, so clearly she’s drawing
some Yeezy inspiration. Kim adorably held hands with her fashionista daughter
as they made their way to Toys R Us. So cute!

Even if North sometimes has her fashion mishaps, it’s cute
to see her take after her parents! She wore Kim’s sunglasses while on vacation
in St. Barts in Aug., and Keeks revealed that she loves putting on makeup just
like her!
Kim Kardashian Wants North West To Be At New Baby’s Birth
We can’t wait for North to be a big sister soon. Kim is due
in Dec., and when the big day happens she wants her whole family to be there to
experience it firsthand — including North!
“Kim wants this experience to be a family affair and she
wants Kanye and Nori in the delivery room, watching her as she gives birth to
her son,” an insider told HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “Nori may be too young
to comprehend what’s going on, but Kim wants to tell her that she was there,
front and center, when her brother was born.”
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