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Wednesday, October 07, 2015

What Nicki Minaj: Said about Drake and Meek Mill Feud in a recent Interview

Like many of us, Nicki Minaj, 32, is totally over the feud between Drake, 28, and Meek Mill, also 28. However, unlike most of us, the fighting actually affects Nicki personally, as she is a longtime friend of Drake and is engaged to Meek. Though the “Anaconda” singer has kept pretty quiet on the two dudes’ beef, she is now spilling her feelings, explaining why she “hates” what is going on between them. this is what she has to say

“They’re men, grown-ass men,” Nicki said in an interview with the New York Times. “It’s between them,” she added. It is between them, but that doesn’t mean Nicki doesn’t have feelings on the subject. “I hate it,” she said. “It doesn’t make me feel good. You don’t ever want to choose sides between people you love. It’s ridiculous. I just want it to be over.”
Poor Nicki. And if you think there’s a part of Nicki that enjoys some aspect of the drama, well, you might want to keep that to yourself. When the interviewer asked Nicki if there was some small part of her “that thrives on drama,” referring to the tension between Drake and Meek, as well as well as Birdman and Lil’ Wayne, the artist grew frustrated. ‘‘That’s disrespectful,’’ she said. ‘‘Why would a grown-ass woman thrive off drama?’’

Actually, to say Nicki was frustrated is an understatement, because she very clearly became angry. “What do the four men you just named have to do with me thriving off drama?’’ she asked the reporter (who expressed remorse at having asked the question). ‘‘Why would you even say that? That’s so peculiar. Four grown-ass men are having issues between themselves, and you’re asking me do I thrive off drama?’’ She’s got a point.

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