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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

EFCC Fails to Arraign Former Benue state Gov Gabriel Suswam Over N3.1bn Fraud Charges

The highly anticipated arraignment of former Benue State Governor,  Gabriel Suswam, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for alleged money laundering and corruption charges before the Federal High Court (FHC) in Abuja failed to take place.

Some journalists and lawyers who had besieged the court premises on Wednesday  following a statement from the EFCC about the planned arraignment were disappointed after waiting for several hours without any action.

Although the anti-graft agency had filed a nine-count charge of money laundering of N3.1 billion against Suswam allegedly committed when he was the governor of Benue State from 2007 to 2015, the case file was, however, yet to be assigned to a Judge of the court for adjudication by the Chief Judge of the Court, Justice Ibrahim Auta.

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