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Thursday, November 12, 2015

EYA Couple Die while Having Sex in Hot Tub After, Husband Has Heart Attack and Squashes Wife

                                                              resort where it happen 
A husband and wife have both died while having sex in a hotel hot tub In what can be described as an unfortunate redefinition of 'till death do them part,' Charles Mckenzie, 67, and his 63-year-old wife Dorothy were found dead in the tub at the Playaca Palace hotel in Mexico.
The Canadian pair had travelled for a holiday and their daughter's wedding.
However their getaway turned to tragedy, with authorities finding that Charles suffered a heart attack.
His wife Dorothy then died of "asphyxiation by submersion", it is understood. The couple, from Baddeck, Novia Scotia, were both found on Tuesday morning at 10am - just two days before their daughter was due to get married This happen in mexico

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