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Thursday, November 26, 2015

Selena Gomez Urge Justin Bieber to Reconcile with His Mom Pattie

 Selena is huge on family and thinks Justin could benefit from some much needed, quality time with his mom,” He’s got so much on his plate right now and Selena knows that Pattie always has a soothing affect on Justin.” Awww, its so sweet that Selena can just tell when Justin needs help! Maybe that’s why they always end up back together. “She knows he needs a lot of support right now from the people who know him the best and love him the most. People who have his best interests at heart.”

Justin Bieber, 21, may not have a great relationship with him mom Pattie Mallette, 39, right now, but Selena Gomez, 23, is strongly urging him to change that. A source told Hollywood EXCLUSIVELY that Selena can tell that he needs his mother  Selena is worried about him, and now she’s urging him to put his pride aside and spend time with his mom.

Pattie certainly does have Justin’s best interests at heart. Even from afar, Pattie is nothing but loving and supportive of her baby. She took to Twitter to share the most adorable message ever on Nov. 23, when it was announced that Justin broke a 51-year-old record set by The Beatles. When Justin had the most songs ever on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the same week, Pattie tweeted “Good job @justinbieber! You were born for this. You shine so bright. Thank you for sharing ur gifts! #SoProud love love love xoxo Mama.” Oh my gosh, our hearts are absolutely melting. Hopefully Justin will take Selena’s suggestion seriously, and realize that no matter what, his mom loves him. Good luck, Biebs!

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