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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

kuwtk Khloe kardarshian and lamar odom finalizes Divorce

Khloé Kardashian filed for divorce from Lamar Odom since 2013 and now, mutiple sources can confirm that both parties have signed off on the court documents that officially end their marriage.
According to divorce documents that were filed late last week, which TMZ first obtained, both the reality star and former professional basketball player have finally reached an agreement and signed off on the paperwork.
At this point in time, all that is left in the divorce process is for a judge to sign off as well, and their divorce could ultimately be finalized within days. Continue..
Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom, Kardashian Wedding

Khloé first filed for divorce back in December of 2013, a little more than four years after they tied the knot, but their proceedings had remained inactive almost ever since.
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